Our Story
John Armstrong started the Armstrong Strategy Group in 2011, bringing years of experience and a vast array of contacts in a variety of sectors, to the strategic approach the company takes with all its clients.
Based in St. Catharines, ASG takes advantage of a networked structure that taps into the expertise of our associates in Toronto and Ottawa.
ASG boasts a diverse team of 17 associates with expertise in municipal affairs, strategic planning, fundraising, design, social media and association management.
The values that drive us
The Armstrong Strategy Group is a values-driven firm. We work hard to live by these values for ourselves, our clients and our community. We strive to:
Look after each other and ourselves.
By looking after each other we create cohesion, trust and are trustworthy. We are a team that has “each other’s back.” It gives us strength and confidence, honesty and compassion. We are more than ourselves. Expand this value across our community and society and the world becomes a better place – large and small. And to be fully honest, strong, and confident, we must know and look after ourselves.
Give freely and help when and where we can.
Taking a collective, action-oriented and philanthropic focus, this value asks us to step-up and do our share when a cause strikes us and stirs us inside. It also recognizes the small and the large, and that we can’t always (or ever maybe) do as much as want but that shouldn’t stop us from doing what we can.
Always fully engage.
Be creative, playful and innovative.
Also professionally rewarding, is taking our experience (both life and professional), our expertise, our knowledge and resources to ask questions, build scenarios, explore new ideas and approaches, reimagine old ones, and cross-pollinate between sectors. It’s about “getting into it,” seeing what happens and “playing things out.” It’s working with “clean slates” or all the constrictions that life brings.
Take advice as well as give it.
If we want people to listen to our advice then we have to be open to accepting the advice of others. We know outside advice can bring new perspectives, fresh thinking, expertise, dispassion and objectivity. And it can break through the noise to help get to the point. If we value doing this with our clients, then we must remember it brings the same value to us